♻️ The 7 Principles of Leave No Trace ♻️


In order to more fully enjoy the outdoors, it’s important to minimize your impact on wild places. The seven principles of Leave No Trace provide an easily understood framework for enjoying nature in a responsible manner. Take them to heart and become a steward of the outdoors.

1.        Plan Ahead and Prepare

·      Helps ensure the safety of groups and individuals

·      Prepares you to ‘leave no trace’ and minimized resource damage

·      Contributes to accomplishing the trips goals safely and enjoyably

·      Increases self-confidence and opportunities to learn more about nature

2.        Travel & Camp on Durable Surfaces

·      Travel on Trails

·      Camp at designated campsites or on durable surfaces

3.        Dispose of Waste Properly

·      Human Waste – it is important to avoid the pollution of local water sources

·      “Pack it in, Pack it out”

·      TP takes a long time to bio-degrade, so pack this out, too!

·      Clean up your camp kitchen. Don’t leave soaps, lotions or food scraps behind

·      Always clean up after your pets

4.        Leave What you Find

·      Minimize site alterations

·      Avoid damaging live trees and plants (don’t care you initial’s in a tree!)

·      Leave natural objects and cultural artifacts

5.        Minimize Campfire Impacts

·      Build campfires only in pre-built campfire rings

·      Only choose dead, fallen sticks and branches

·      Keep fires small and allow wood to burn completely to ash

·      Never leave a fire unattended and keep other fuel sources away from the fire

·      Pack out any campfire litter. Plastic items and foil-lined wrappers should never be burned in a campfire

·      Put fires out with water, not dirt or sand

6.        Respect Wildlife

·      Observe wildlife from a distance

·      Remember that you’re a visitor I their home

7.        Be Considerate of Other Visitors

·      Maintain courtesy towards other visitors/campers

·      Be considerate to how your experience is affecting the way someone else enjoys the outdoors.

·      Keep your music low and pets under control

·      Let hikers going up-trail pass by moving off to the side

·      Travel quietly and lightly on the land

If you want to learn more about the Leave No Trace principals, you can visit their website here: https://lnt.org/why/7-principles/


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